Hello World. I'm just so happy being a dad, I've got to blog about it. This newborn stuff isn't nearly as agonizing as I was promised. In fact, it's great. When Kaia is fed & doesn't seem to have gas, yet won't stop crying, bouncing on the ball works 9 out of 10. The other video shows us trying out new material; the helicopter ride. Are these techniques perceived as awesome? Doubtful. Shocking? Perhaps. It's hard to say. We're told infants like high contrast so we made these b&w cubes with a variety of shapes to test her aesthetic sensibilities. She seems to look past at my ear. Oh well. It will be helpful when she can genuinely smile. Paternity leave is an amazing gift. I treasure this time and it's made easy what would surely have been tuff. Thank You MoMA and PIB! We've had Grandma JoJo, Mimi, Uncle Erik and Grandpa White to visit. Beautiful. She's getting much love & family and friends are STILL sending gifts and meeting her for the first time. We do a lot of dishes. Not working, yet how are we so busy? It's like I've heard about retirement. We each even take our trips to our special doctors for our various ailments and checkups. No worries. We're all doing fine and just very grateful for Kaia and the support and generosity we've recieved over this super-huge Summer.