Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Adelie June, after the full moon

She's here! A second daughter we'll likely be just as bad about keeping-up-with-the-blogging-about... But we'll try. Here's a good start: the video of the first meeting of Kaia "Big Sister" Madsen with her new little cohort, Adelie June. Kaia's been sweet, if a little too eager and excitable, but that's to be expected when Mom's big belly suddenly morphs into a real live (screaming and terribly unfun) baby that she can't play with, feed apples to, or smother with blankets.

It was a beautiful day to be born: autumn foliage in full effect, the Hudson River view out of our hospital room offering up brilliant sunset and fireworks. The night prior we enjoyed the town Halloween parade, pumpkin ale, and a full moon. Kaia as Mummy, me as Mommy. Now all our ducks are in a row - a house of four with July, Aug, Sept and Oct birthdays. We are all home feeling great, if sleepy and overwhelmed, and very blessed. More videos of baby to come, when she starts performing and stops sleeping.

And for old times sake, back when we were young and "three", a video of Kaia and Daddy dancing on our new kitchen floor. My apologies for not being able to stop the video camera when the dancing is done (or edit it out later)...

Friday, March 26, 2010

playing the blues

Kaia demonstrating her multi-tasking skills: stomping, twirling and making some mean music -- all mixed in with the hiccups.

Blizzard 2010

Seems a world away now that we're gardening, but only some weeks ago it was full-on blizzarding here. Kaia got to romp around -- or try to -- in snowboots for the first time, and roll ball+ball+ball=snowman.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Just a few weeks into walking when this was filmed before Christmas...unfortunately we never captured her all out Frankenstein moves, but this gives a taste (against the sound of what I think is the latest Star Trek movie going in the background on our new TV, adds to the drama).


Two Texas videos: First Karen's Fort Worth kitchen and sloppy seconds.

Then Kaia doing her doggy panting at the Whites in Dallas.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Kaia "reading" in her playroom, tapping her belly for a while, and reading again.


She's a good eater!


So we're still alive and have been horribly neglecting this here Blog. We got all distracted by moving to Sleepy Hollow and things haven't been the same: they're amazing! Going forward, this site will be a depository for our videos. Photos will be housed on our Madsen White room at Here's a few old Whipple ones for good measure. Sorry for the sideways one! More to come.