The grand debut of Kaia Madsen White was Wednesday, August 13th at 3:48 p.m. in the Roosevelt Birthing Center after 7 hours of labor and nearly 4 hours of pushing. At 8.12 oz and 21 in., not only was she big and long but she was positioned both posterior facing and had her fist up with her head, so it was challenging to say the least, but with the amazing support of Jeff, my midwife Corie and nurse Laurie, we have this beautiful baby girl. Kaia (pronounced "Kai-a") means "earth" from the ancient Greek, maybe she can save it. (So far) she has blue eyes, a heart-shaped face, a little bit of brown hair, and a sweet disposition. One photo here is all we can muster the strength for right now, but stay tuned for more.
welcome Kaia!
yay!!! congrats! she's beautiful!
i was just wondering if baby had arrived. congrats! she's beautiful -- well done, you two. i love the name. hope you guys are getting a little rest. xo sara
Yay! Congratulations and welcome dear sweet Kaia!
Good job, Krista! Welcome, Kaia. We surely need you.
Jackie Majerus-Collins
not to be redundant, but she is beautiful! we are so thrilled for you all.
Yay what a cutie!
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